Learn to Swim Pathway


We use the Swim England Stages 1-7 programme.  Each stage has a clear set of targets to achieve before moving to the next stage.


Half Hour Lessons - Ducklings, Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3, Stage 4, Stage 5, Stage 6

40 minute lesson - Stage 7 

Lessons are booked into 30min slots, however to ensure safety around and in the pool, the lesson may be shorter.  We aim to be efficient and effective moving swimmers before and after lessons to reduce this time as much as possible


Invitation in to our Academy Programme, supervised by our Head Coach Matt Smart and Head Teacher Angela Parry-Fernandez.

Academy Bronze - 1 x 1 hour session

Academy Silver 2 x 1 hour sessions


If interested in competitive swimming, you will receive an invitation into our main competitive club.